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The AI Hackathon that kicked off last Tuesday closed off with nine elevator pitches Wednesday afternoon. An idea to improve the flow of people on campus by the SRVU team ended up winning.
The Introduction Days of VU Amsterdam will feature a brand new association called Boosted Gryffins. It’s the only student association in Amsterdam focused on gaming. The new association was founded by VU master’s student Ferdi Kabak, who has long been…
Stark contrasting opinions about ‘woke’ ideologies and the fossil fuel industry took the floor during the University Student Council (USR) debate, with new student parties hoping to drastically shift the council’s direction.
Learning Dutch can be a vital step in connecting to Dutchies, two internationals agree. But between expensive courses and Dutch people constantly switching to English, the process doesn’t exactly make them feel like tasty chickens.
Universities all over the country are virtually duking it out in the games League of Legends and Rocket League. VU Amsterdam gamers have also entered the fray and are competing for the prize money of seven thousand euros, but do…
‘Don’t come if you don’t have accommodation by the first of August’, warned VU Amsterdam. Student Leo Yilmazer – who quit their studies and moved back to Türkiye because they couldn’t find a room – thinks the university should be…
Monday’s occupation at the UvA also led to the arrest of a VU Amsterdam student. Earth Sciences master student and Extinction Rebellion member Jonathan (23) from the UK says he was attacked and arrested by the police despite his attempts…
International students who try to get Dutch student finance are required to work nearly two days per week, but some students have great difficulty meeting that requirement. With help from legal experts they are able to fight back against the…
VU student and visual artist Lesly Badtke is capturing student life at VU Amsterdam in a new and relatable webcomic series.
As the protests and the crackdown against them intensify in Iran, several VU students try to do what they can to support the protest movement. But even within the Netherlands, they feel like the Iranian government is restricting what they…
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