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Despite criticism from academics, Minister Dijkgraaf is pressing ahead with his plan. He will present a bill as soon as possible – but a little later than planned – that will enable the national screening of students and researchers from…
Higher education institutions with the highest numbers of Ukrainian refugee students are often no longer offering a discount to new students from the country. A notable exception is The Hague University of Applied Sciences.
The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has asked Government Commissioner Mariëtte Hamer for advice, claiming too little is currently known about sexually inappropriate behaviour at higher education institutions. At the moment, Hamer is in talks with several parties in…
Interest on student loans will be five times higher next year, according to calculations by newspaper Het Financieele Dagblad. The rate will increase from 0.46 to 2.55 percent
Will the wage increases at the universities lead to cutbacks? Some suggest they will, but the trade unions say this is nonsense. After all, university administrators approved the increases.
After graduating, one in three foreign graduates finds employment in the Netherlands. This is a much higher proportion than in the past, according to Statistics Netherlands (CBS). Why this is the case is anybody’s guess.
Students are increasingly often given a joint contract for the entire student residence. Landlords do this to bypass the rules and charge higher rental fees for rooms.
The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) expects a record-breaking number of students from outside Europe to start a degree programme in the Netherlands in September.
Minister of Education Robbert Dijkgraaf will not force higher education institutions to set up quiet rooms. He does think that such rooms could have a positive effect on student wellbeing.
In the opinion of the Dutch House of Representatives, it would be good for students to be educated about inappropriate sexual behaviour as early as the introduction weeks. Staff would also benefit from a course.
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