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In a recent survey, half of doctors and medical students reported having experienced transgressive behaviour. Most of the victims are women, and surgeons are the most common perpetrators.
One in four students find themselves weary of life every now and then and one in six is a heavy drinker, a new monitor has revealed. And yet, students’ mental wellbeing is slightly better than two years ago.
Science braces itself in the wake of the election. Or perhaps things will pan out better than expected? “Omtzigt is a smart guy, so he will understand”, says NWO chair Marcel Levi.
International students in the Netherlands are quicker to leave after graduation than those in other countries, a recent survey shows. Part of the reason for this is that recent graduates are given less time to look for a job here.
Good science cannot exist without international exchange, the Young Academy claims. The society of young scientists is worried about the “highly polarised” discourse on language of instruction.
As guardians of science, the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) should take a more critical view of collaboration with the fossil fuel industry. This is the opinion of 450 employees of…
For two years Denmark has been restricting the influx of foreign students, but is now pulling back from that position. Highly educated internationals are proving indispensable on the tight labour market.
From murder to dismissal: this year, human rights organisation Scholars at Risk counted 409 attacks on academic freedom in 66 countries. This is an increase compared to last year. The Netherlands is one of the countries mentioned. The ninth edition…
The Netherlands is lagging behind its international competitors in spending on STEM, education minister Robber Dijkgraaf has revealed. The number of new Bachelor’s students on STEM programmes is also relatively low.
Pieter Omtzigt wants to phase out of the tax advantage for highly-educated expats. The millions of euros this would save could then be used to decrease the interest on loans incurred by students belonging to the ‘bad luck generation’.
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