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Sexually transgressive behaviour is more common than higher education institutions realise, warns government commissioner Mariëtte Hamer, who is calling for sex education for first-year students. According to Hamer, “That’s when they start experimenting.”
In the first education debate after the elections, a lot of attention was paid to the intake of international students. VVD and NSC nuanced their electoral rhetoric, while D66 and GroenLinks-PvdA stood up for internationalisation.
Migration has all kinds of advantages and disadvantages, it says in a new report on the Netherlands in the year 2050. But international students and knowledge workers aren’t really the problem.
Pension fund ABP must stop investing in companies that facilitate the occupation of Palestinian territories, activists say. ABP has adopted a neutral stance for the moment.
What can you say and what’s better left unsaid? A ‘considerable minority’ of researchers, teachers and students has applied self-censorship over the past years, a report reveals.
Members of The Young Academy want to gauge the temperature of academics in the Netherlands: how are they faring in terms of stress levels, enjoyment and social safety?
A Romanian organisation has offered 260 students fictitious work over the past five years so that they could apply for student finance in the Netherlands, it has emerged from replies to parliamentary questions.
The NVAO, charged with monitoring the quality of higher education, asks programmes why they teach in English. Outgoing Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf explains the process behind this to the House of Representatives.
Outgoing Minister Dijkgraaf thinks it’s important for media of higher education institutions to be able to operate independently. He said this in response to parliamentary questions about the conflict at Cursor, Eindhoven University of Technology’s news site.
Many international students want to stay in the Netherlands after graduation. Especially if they have a job and housing.
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