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Education staff with long COVID must not be dismissed after two years of sick leave, says the General Union of Education (AOb). “Grant them an extra year to reintegrate.” Almost 700 staff members contacted the union about lingering symptoms of…
Soon very few of the coronavirus measures in higher education will remain: as from tomorrow, lecture halls are allowed to be full once again and from 25 February it will no longer be compulsory to wear a face mask on…
A research institute advocating for the rights of Palestinians wants Dutch universities to provide documentation regarding their ties to “organisations that propagate support for the state of Israel”. The universities have asked for more time to process the request.
Knowledge institutions need to arm themselves better against unwanted interference by countries that are not free. It is up to supervisory boards to check that they are doing so, Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf said yesterday in the House of Representatives.
Higher education in the Netherlands does not necessarily have to refuse funding from China, in the opinion of Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf. The institutions must, however, “be wary of the dangers and risks”.
This year nearly eighty thousand international students are studying at Dutch universities: 14 percent more than last year. The total number of students has risen to a record 340 thousand.
What are the dangers of collaborating with knowledge institutions in other countries? “This is something every academic discipline has to deal with”, Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf said earlier this week at the presentation of a new knowledge security service desk.
The brakes are off: the government is relaxing a raft of coronavirus measures. As from tomorrow, virtually everything can remain open until 10 PM. In higher education, students and staff do not need to self-isolate as frequently.
When students and lecturers come to campus again, they ought to wear face masks when attending classes in larger groups. That is the advice of the Outbreak Management Team.
Again, universities and universities of applied sciences had to close their doors. The cabinet announced a lockdown last Saturday evening. This will last until after the Christmas holidays and maybe even longer.
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