Onafhankelijke journalistiek over de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Sinds 1953
20 januari 2025

& Cultuur

New Q&A for VU students, employees and visitors

I’m missing an exam, what should I do? What is expected of me as a teacher? The VU has collected and answered many questions and made a new Q&A. See below the agreements and advice.

Addition 15-03-20: PLEASE NOTE: this information is already being adjusted to reflect the new situation since March 15, and is therefore outdated. For current information, visit www.vu.nl/coronavirus




What is the position of the VU now that there are also infections in the Netherlands?
VU Amsterdam follows the advice of the RIVM for public health and the advice of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for travel abroad. Together with other Dutch universities, VU Amsterdam keeps a close eye on these advices and communicates via this page if there are any updates for students, staff and visitors.

What is the VU doing to prevent the spread of the coronavirus?
We communicate RIVM’s hygiene tips with our staff, students and visitors via vu.nl/coronavirus and the screens in our buildings.
We make sure that soap and paper tissues are always refilled in the toilets.
You will find instructions for washing your hands in all toilets.
The cleaners are extra focused on cleaning door handles, stair railings and lift knobs.

Do any events, meetings and information days take place?
No, all events, meetings and information days have been cancelled until 31 March.

Are study facilities available at the university?
The university is open and study places are available, but the advice is to study at home if possible. When using the study places, please do not sit close together, take sufficient distance. Stay at home if you have complaints and follow the guidelines of the RIVM.

Can I still access the collections and services of the University Library?
> You can request books from the catalogue and pick them up at the University Library as usual. Please take a look at our changed opening hours at www.ubvu.vu.nl.
> All digital books and articles are available online and accessible from anywhere. Check the website of the library for help.
> All online services are fully accessible. Our employees are online and will help you as soon as possible.

For general questions you can send an email to: vraag.ub@vu.nl.
Questions about Pure can be sent to UBVU PURE Support: pure.support.ubvu@vu.nl.
For Open Access publishing assistance, you can send an email to: openaccess.ub@vu.nl.
For assistance using Research Data Management, please send a message to rdm@vu.nl.


Will education continue at the VU?
From Friday 13 March until at least 31 March there will be no education at VU Amsterdam. Education will be offered online as much as possible. Keep an eye on the canvas page of the course you are following and find out how education will be continued remotely. For courses that are not offered online, we will look for another solution. For up-to-date information about your course, please visit Canvas.

Will exams be held at the VU?
Until at least 31 March, no exams will be held at the VU-campus, RAI, Emergo or Sports Centre locations. (Re-)exams scheduled in the week from 16 to 20 March will also not be held. Another opportunity for re-examinations will be planned within this academic year. For the exams in the week of 23 to 27 March or after, alternative ways of taking the exams are currently being looked into. We need some time for this, for which we ask for your understanding. Our programmes will provide clarity through Canvas from Tuesday, 17 March.

I’m doing an internship, what do the measures mean for me?
If you are an intern at VU Amsterdam, your internship activities are cancelled until 31 March. In very exceptional cases an exception can be made. Please discuss this with your internship supervisor. If you are doing your internship outside VU Amsterdam, please consult your internship location and your internship supervisor about the possibilities of continuing your internship.
Where possible, the internship can be extended. Discuss this with your internship supervisor. Should you have any questions, please contact your internship supervisor.

I’m doing an internship abroad, what do the measures mean for me?
If you are an intern abroad and there is no reason to interrupt the internship, continue it. If you still need to start your internship abroad, you will unfortunately have to cancel it. If you have any questions about this, please contact international@vu.nl. Where possible, the internship may be extended. Discuss this with the internship supervisor. Should you have any questions, please contact your internship supervisor.

What does this mean for graduations?
From Friday 13 March until at least Tuesday 31 March there will be no graduation ceremonies. You will be informed as soon as possible by the study secretariat of your faculty.

I have an appointment with a study advisor, student dean or student psychologist. Will the appointment go ahead?
All activities related to study guidance and advice will be continued as much as possible. Scheduled appointments will continue as much as possible and will be conducted by telephone whenever possible. Planned walk-in consultations will continue as much as possible and, where possible, will be held by telephone. Please contact your student advisor for more information. If conversations are not possible by telephone, they will take place on campus.

I’m an exchange student. Can I finish my subjects and take the ECTS to the university in my home country?
Education will be offered digitally as much as possible in the coming period. For further information we advise you to keep a close eye on Canvas and your VU email. For subjects that cannot be taught online, other solutions will be sought. We will investigate whether these exams can be taken in an alternative way. At the end of the semester you will receive a list of marks with all completed subjects and ECTS.

I have exams in the coming two weeks, what’s going to happen?
Exams scheduled in the week of 16 to 20 March will not take place. For the exams scheduled in the week of 23 to 27 March or beyond, alternative ways of taking the exams are currently being looked into. Think for example of doing an essay. From Tuesday 17 March onwards, our programmes will provide clarity about this via Canvas.

I’m missing a (re)exam, what should I do?
It is investigated whether exams can be offered in an alternative way or will take place at a different time. This will be clarified on Tuesday 17 March. Keep an eye on Canvas. This does not alter the fact that the current situation may eventually lead to a study delay. In case of urgent questions about study delay you can contact your study advisor. We advise you to wait for announcements on Tuesday 17 March.

I am an international student and I have to / want to return to my home country, what practical matters should I arrange?
Inform the International Office when you return to your home country (international@vu.nl). They can inform you about any questions you may have regarding accommodation and residence permits.

I’m traveling abroad soon for the VU. Are there any restrictions due to the coronavirus, should I cancel my trip?
Travelling abroad within the framework of study, internship and research for the period until at least the end of March is not considered necessary by the VU and must be postponed or cancelled.

Does this also apply to private journeys?
We discourage both students and staff from travelling for private matters as well. Follow the advice of the central government.  
Employees and students of ACTA and VUmc School of Medical Sciences are subject to the guidelines and information of ACTA and Amsterdam UMC.

I’m currently abroad, what should I do?
If you are in an orange or red area you have to come back to the Netherlands. Contact the International Officeinternational@vu.nl | +31 (0)20 59 85745). They can assist and support you in your return journey to the Netherlands. If in doubt, they are also available for advice.
If you are in a green or yellow area, we advise you to check whether travelling back to the Netherlands is wise. We have noticed that the situation in a country can change quickly.
If necessary, the Dutch embassy can also be reached 24/7 by telephone at +31 247 247. Foreign Affairs can also be reached via WhatsApp at +31 682 387 796 or via Twitter at @24/7BZ.

I don’t see my question here. What should I do?
Take your question to the student desk or the international office. The contact details are at the top of this page.


I have (respiratory) complaints such as a cold, coughing, sore throat and/or fever, should I come to VU Amsterdam?
No, stay home. Don’t even come to VU Amsterdam if you have urgent appointments or other obligations. Try to avoid contact with other people as much as possible.

> If you can work from home, always do so in consultation with your supervisor.
> If you are sick and cannot work (at home), report sick.

I fall within the at-risk group (e.g. elderly, chronically ill), should I come to the VU?
No, try to work at home as much as possible. If your work does not allow you to work from home, consult your supervisor.

> See if it is possible to come to the VU by private transport instead of public transport. Discuss this with your supervisor.
> Avoid consultations and group meetings, especially with larger numbers of people.
> If necessary, try to spread working hours so that you avoid hustle and bustle.
> Keep your distance from others. Find a workplace where you can sit in seclusion. If necessary, adjust your work (in consultation with your supervisor) to minimise contact with others.

I’m on a domestic business trip. What should I do?
Domestic missions: In line with the call to work at home as much as possible, VU Amsterdam advises to make domestic business trip only if strictly necessary. The advice is to look for alternatives, such as online meetings. Visiting large meetings (>100 persons) is not allowed in any case.

Employees and students of ACTA and VUmc School of Medical Sciences are subject to the guidelines and information of ACTA and Amsterdam UMC.

I’m traveling abroad soon for VU Amsterdam. Are there any restrictions due to the coronavirus, should I cancel my trip?
Missions abroad for the period until the end of March are not considered necessary by the VU and must be postponed or cancelled.

I’m currently abroad, what should I do?
The possibility cannot be ruled out that flights may be cancelled, or restrictive measures are imposed should the situation on site deteriorate. Consider whether your presence on site is necessary. In order to avoid possible inconvenience, we advise you to travel back while it is still possible.
If you are in a red area you have to come back to the Netherlands. Contact your supervisor to discuss when you will be travelling back.
If necessary, the Dutch embassy can also be reached 24/7 by telephone at +31 247 247. Foreign Affairs can also be reached via WhatsApp at +31 682 387 796 or via Twitter at @24/7BZ.

Does this also apply to private trips?
We discourage both students and staff from travelling for private matters as well. Follow the advice of the central government.

I am a future international employee/guest, but I have to postpone my trip to the Netherlands because of Corona. What should I do?
Contact your supervisor or contact person at the VU and discuss the possibilities for a later start. And contact the International Office.

Will research continue?
Work on the VU campus for the purpose of research may continue if there is a substantial risk of harm to the research in question, e.g. serious delay, financial damage, negative effect on safety or loss of material or equipment. Until further notice, no human-related research will take place at the VU.

What is expected of me as a teacher?
The VU responds to the call to only teach remotely until 31 March. We attach a great deal of importance to the continuity of education, which is why we expect teachers to make every effort to offer education online. We realise that this will not always be possible. Make the switch only if the quality of the education can be guaranteed.

How can I offer my education online and where can I ask questions?
In order to facilitate the transition to remote education, a Canvas page has been set up with compact information about the possibilities of online education. On this page you will find practical tips about setting up a web conference or making a knowledge clip. This canvas page is accessible to all canvas users via this link. As additional support, the faculty contact persons are available to answer your questions. You will soon receive an email with contact details of the faculty.
Inform students about your online education through Canvas.

For all other questions, you will find a Canvas discussion board (=forum) on the canvas page. Gerdien Jansen, Silvester Draaijer, Canvas functional management and the AVC colleagues will make every effort to answer all questions that are asked as well as possible. To be able to participate in the discussion board, you have to enrol on Canvas. Instructions about this can be found on the Canvas page itself.

What if I cannot offer education online?
If you cannot offer education online, check whether there are alternatives and consult with your programme director. If this is not possible, consult your programme director for alternatives. If this concerns compulsory education that cannot be offered online, you will be asked to assess whether the compulsory components are strictly necessary, whether they can be retaken or whether, in this specific case, the learning objective can also be achieved without the compulsory components. Keep students informed via your Canvas page.

Is my promotion still taking place?
Yes, all promotions continue until further notice, possibly in an alternative form. In case of changes you will receive a message from the beadle. A maximum of 100 (and at Medicine promotions 30) guests are allowed to be present.

I’m going to work from home. How do I do this?
If you’re going to work from home, always do so in consultation with your supervisors. For tips on working from home, please visit VUnet. On this page you will find the manuals for the systems you can use while working from home.


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