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Amid calls for a recruitment stop for international students and a quick-fix stopgap bill, last Friday Minister of Education Robbert Dijkgraaf informed the House of Representatives that he does not want to be rushed.
There are currently hundreds of Iranian nationals studying or working at Dutch higher education institutions. Those who are planning to move back to their homeland have no intention of postponing their return in light of the current situation, says Minister…
According to administrators from eight higher education institutions, we must continue to recruit international students in the fight against labour market shortages. They say the House of Representatives should not stand in the way of this.
Since 2011, one in four international university undergraduates have left the Netherlands in less than four years without graduating. It appears that they did not feel at home, the Netherlands Inspectorate of Education concludes.
Chinese PhD students on a grant from the China Scholarship Council have to satisfy some dubious requirements. This has prompted queries from several Dutch university administrations.
Minister of Education Robbert Dijkgraaf is temporarily scrapping a bill that would have allowed higher education to gain a better grip on the influx of foreign students. The universities are disappointed by the decision.
The International Office is working hard to find all the incoming international students a room, but the numbers show that this will be tough. Therefore, extra measures are taken.
More universities and institutions are following the lead of the German scientific community by boycotting Russia. But is it wise? The Dutch scientific community is still thinking it over.
If Ukrainian researchers seek refuge here, we should offer them a generous welcome, says professor Marie-José van Tol, who will shortly become the new chair of The Young Academy.
Knowledge institutions need to arm themselves better against unwanted interference by countries that are not free. It is up to supervisory boards to check that they are doing so, Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf said yesterday in the House of Representatives.
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