Independent journalism about VU Amsterdam | Since 1953
14 March 2025

& Culture

Student Clothing Exchange launches on campus

There is a new place in town for students to get affordable and sustainable clothes. On Monday 6 December the SRVU Student Union launched a monthly ‘Student Clothing Exchange’ in the Studentendok.

The initiative by SRVU is largely led by Ksenia Ustinoviča from Latvia. She studies Media, Art, Design and Architecture and already saw a similar initiative at a Danish college. “There I got my winter jacket for 1 euro. I tell people about this jacket all the time because I’m so excited about it!” The Student Union shortly discussed the idea and quickly decided to set up its own exchange.

Very reusable

Most of the clothing at the launch came from flatmates of Ustinoviča, but all students can bring their clothes and accessories that they no longer wear. At the moment this is supposed to happen at specific dates announced on their social media, but there are plans to place a bin where students can always donate their clothes. “I love the quality of the clothes that people brought. They are all very reusable and I would definitely wear them myself”, says Ustinoviča.

SRVU Chair Joep van Dijk estimates the initial collection to have one hundred and seventy different articles. The size of the clothes ranges from XS to L and there are many styles to choose from. The available options for men are still limited, aside from some sports clothes, jeans and shirts. Van Dijk emphasizes that men are very welcome to bring in their clothes.

Between 50 cents and 2 euros

The second-hand items sold in the Studentendok, right next to the campus square entrance of the main building, are priced between fifty cents and two euros. According to SRVU the money will be used to fund the clothing exchange and perhaps expand to other items, such as second-hand books. The VU Green Office also has an exchange in collaboration with this one. The SRVU will give its collection to the Green Office when they have an exchange and vice versa.


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