Independent journalism about VU Amsterdam | Since 1953
17 January 2025

& Culture

Dean announces independent investigation of bullying after Ad Valvas story

Dean Maurits van Tulder of the Faculty of Behavioral and Movement Sciences has announced an independent investigation in response to a publication by Ad Valvas, earlier today.

In the article, employees and former employees of the department of cognitive psychology complain about a climate of intimidation and distrust that would prevail there. One particular professor is accused of misbehaviour and dishonesty by (former) employees, some of whom even claim to be psychologically damaged by him.

“I am shocked by the experiences that Ad Valvas has disclosed, partly because some of these signals have not reached me before”, said Van Tulder in a reaction. “It is my highest priority to create a pleasant and safe working environment where people can do their work optimally, together with others. We will take the necessary measures based on the results of the investigation. ”

Inappropriate behavior

In response to the Ad Valvas story, the VU once more informs its employees of the steps to be taken if they themselves experience inappropriate behavior. They are advised to talk to the person concerned first, and if they feel ths to be fruitless, to speak to a supervisor, a company doctor, P&O advisor or a confidential advisor.

But the Ad Valvas article reveals shows that even if employees are given the chance to tell their story anonymously, many are afraid to do so. When the staff of Cognitive Psychology learned that Ad Valvas had been talking to employees, they approached employees and former employees to try and find out who had had contact with Ad Valvas.

An English translation of the story will be published on this website some time tomorrow.


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