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If it’s up to the Executive Board, the faculties of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Religion and Theology will merge into one large faculty. ‘Such a faculty will have a greater impact.’
Decolonising mainly means unlearning a lot of things, a gathering on decolonisation in debating centre 3D revealed. ‘It’s a joyous journey.’
The Shoah casts its shadow over the Gaza debate, the second teach-in about Gaza made clear. ‘Zionism needs antisemitism.’
‘Administrators are cowards, always afraid of scandals and lawsuits’, said Palestinian activist Omar Barghouti yesterday, at the first teach-in about Gaza ever since VU Amsterdam let go of the reins two weeks ago. He therefore called for VU Amsterdam to…
At the first teach-in involving Gaza – since VU Amsterdam changed its policy – speakers will discuss an academic boycott of Israel.
Student union SRVU passed a motion yesterday to endorse the BDS-movement against Israel. Not everyone within the union is happy with that. ‘We’re endangering our relations.’
VU Amsterdam is taking a long time to make up its mind about permitting Gaza debates on campus, the staff council thinks. But the threshold for organising such gatherings has just been lowered by VU Amsterdam. It will, however, come…
VU professor Younes Saramifar was not punished by VU Amsterdam and there’s nothing wrong with having political stances in the lecture hall, says rector Jeroen Geurts. “So long as there’s space for multiple perspectives.”
At VU Amsterdam, people should be able to say whatever they want as long as they keep things respectful, the Executive Board says. But lecturers and students feel like they can’t fully express themselves when it comes to the matter…
Despite six years of #MeToo debate, two out of three students experience sexually transgressive behaviour during their period of study. Why is it so persistent and how can we get rid of it?
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