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Higher education in the Netherlands remains popular among foreign students, according to Dutch internationalisation agency Nuffic. International students still very much want to come here, but not for online lectures and seminars.
Students will be attending classes on campus in September, and they won’t have to maintain social distancing anymore. But face masks will still be mandatory and no more than 75 students will be allowed in a lecture hall.
Five universities want to use a so-called diversity barometer to map their staff’s cultural diversity – a move that’s been met with strong criticism from work councils. Four universities have now announced their temporary withdrawal from the project.
International students in the Netherlands had already been faced with struggles and the coronavirus situation has not changed things for the better, according to a new survey. They more often feel lonely and stressed, have more money problems and struggle…
If worst comes to worst, if no other option is available, the government wants to make coronavirus testing mandatory for students (but not for teaching faculty). That’s one of the items included in new draft legislation.
The Dutch government hopes that all higher education students and staff will start using self-tests when they return to campus. Minister Van Engelshoven explained the logistics of this plan in a letter to the House of Representatives.
Will universities and universities of applied sciences be able to resume face-to-face education one day a week from 26 April? Outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Health Minister Hugo de Jonge have prompted a furious response from students by refusing…
As of this week there is a Dutch Student Cabinet, complete with a student Prime Minister, ministers representing all Dutch universities, and their own coalition agreement. But what’s the reason behind it? “We are not the voice of students.”
Are PhD students and guest researchers from Chinese military universities coming to TU Delft to gain expertise that will strengthen China’s military might? It’s a fear that appears to be well-founded, as the university’s magazine Delta reveals in a series…
Current compensation for higher education staff working from home varies widely. Unions want the collective labour agreement to include a standard allowance of two euros per working day, excluding the costs of a home workstation.
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