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The number of coronavirus infections has risen sharply and the Dutch government is now rowing back its relaxation of certain measures. The new academic year may be looking less rosy than had been hoped.
Half of all scientists are occasionally guilty of dubious research practices. Even fabrication or manipulation of research results is a regular occurrence.
The universities are coming up with all kinds of plans to combat work pressure, says the Labour Inspectorate, but they will probably not be sufficiently helpful. In addition, very little attention is being paid to undesirable behaviour and discrimination.
On the eve of the summer recess the House of Representatives took a decision on a number of issues. The 149 million euro cut in the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science budget has been scrapped, more money is to…
Investigations into bullying, abuse of power, intimidation and sexual harassment at Dutch universities should not be outsourced to external companies, declare protest group WOinActie and trade unions AOb and FNV.
In the new collective labour agreement (CAO) for universities, reducing the number of temporary contracts is a major issue. Assistant professors in particular will benefit from this development. However, postdoctoral researchers will be no better off.
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences KNAW held an online debate last night on the harassment of scientists and academics. “When pictures of your children are posted online, it comes very close to home.”
The Dutch higher education sector is not keen to have to devise two different scenarios for the coming academic year. Yet universities are preparing for new setbacks in the coronavirus crisis.
How satisfied are students with their educational experience? Finally, the question could be asked again, and given the coronavirus crisis, the outcome was to be expected: they are less satisfied than previously.
In an open letter published last Friday, a group of professors from various Dutch universities urge their institutions to stop using American cloud services in order to protect their students and staff.
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