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During the lockdowns, higher education institutions had to quickly switch over to online teaching. Time now to take stock: what worked well and what didn’t? To allow education to continue as much as possible during the pandemic, educational institutions were…
Having lost a few court cases, the Education Executive Agency (DUO) is changing its course with regard to European students. They are now more likely to be granted student financing. The government is studying the consequences.
In the past academic year more women than men got a PhD at Dutch universities. That has never happened before. There were also a record number of PhDs awarded, after a dip during the coronavirus crisis. The difference may be…
Why does a student on the participation council get more remuneration at one institution than at another? National guidelines are needed to change this, in the view of GroenLinks and the PvdA. Via the participation councils of higher education institutions,…
Many schools in the Netherlands have already welcomed young Ukrainian refugees to their classes. Higher education would also like to admit newcomers, but this is easier said than done. Nearly a month ago, the refugee student foundation UAF – with…
Students are being hit with skyrocketing energy bills. But the government has not moved to offer targeted assistance. Municipalities are even getting the advice not to give the one-off energy relief subsidy to students.
Does the new ideal of ‘Recognition and Rewards’ in science damage the Netherlands’ competitive position? Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf thinks it does not: in fact, it gives science a better position internationally.
Research, lectures, management… Scientists need to be at home in all areas. Allocate the work more effectively, so that they can concentrate on what they are really good at, says Marie-José van Tol, the new chair of The Young Academy….
Dutch higher education institutions are becoming increasingly popular with international students. At the universities, as many as 40 percent of this academic year’s first-year students come from outside the Netherlands. In the past 16 years the number of international students…
The association of rectors of Russian universities stands fully behind President Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine. In a previous statement, the association had been more non-committal.
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