Onafhankelijke journalistiek over de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Sinds 1953
1 maart 2025

& Cultuur

No education, no exams until 31 march

The VU will immediately discontinue education (including postgraduate courses) and examinations. The buildings remain open for research and other vital processes. However, the VU does require employees who are not involved in vital processes to work from home as much as possible.

Here’s the official announcement of the VU Executive Board:

Dear employees and students,

Today, the Government of the Netherlands has taken new measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus. These measures are as follows:

  • Everyone in the Netherlands: stay home in case of complaints of rhinitis, coughing, sore throat or fever. Avoid social contact. Call your family doctor if symptoms get worse.
  • People throughout the Netherlands are asked to work at home as much as possible or to spread their working hours.
  • Universities and colleges are asked to provide remote education only, at least until 31 March.

The health of VU staff and students is of paramount importance. We are therefore responding to the above call, but it also presents us with a major challenge for the days and weeks to come. The measures are effective immediately.

What does this mean for working at VU Amsterdam?
The buildings of VU Amsterdam will remain open. VU Amsterdam calls on employees to work from home as much as possible. Employees in vital processes should only stay at home in case of complaints and fever, in consultation with their manager.

What does this mean for education and exams at VU Amsterdam?
Education and exams will not take place on VU campus. This also applies to Postgraduate Education (PGO) on campus. VU Amsterdam calls on students to study at home as much as possible. In the next few days we will be looking for suitable solutions for the period from now until 31 March. More information will follow shortly.

What does this mean for planned promotions at VU Amsterdam?
The promotions of 13 March at VU Amsterdam will continue to take place, with a maximum presence of 100 people. Information on the period afterwards will follow.

What does this mean for events at VU Amsterdam?
Events of more than 100 people are not allowed under the new measures and have been cancelled.

Employees and students of ACTA and VUmc School of Medical Sciences are subject to the guidelines and information of ACTA and Amsterdam UMC.

For up-to-date information, go to www.vu.nl/coronavirus and keep track of your email messages. An update of the frequently asked questions and answers will follow tomorrow. We will continue to monitor the coronavirus situation and follow government guidelines. This applies, among other things, to foreign travel by employees and students to areas that are not recommended.


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